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Ecommerce Braintrust

Feb 28, 2018

Listeners of the podcast and readers of the Bobsled Marketing blog are often asking us excellent questions about how to interpret their Amazon PPC Data. We have taken these questions and turned them into an info-packed episode all about how to optimize your PPC campaign. We would like to propose a foundational approach...

Feb 21, 2018

It is impossible to deny that, in order to make the most of ecommerce sales, national brands need to be selling on the Amazon platform. Amazon is now providing more competition than ever before with its own private labels. Amazon Basics alone raked in nearly 400 million in revenue last year, and those numbers are on...

Feb 14, 2018

The future of ecommerce is voice command technology. Amazon seems to think so, given its investment in and the success of the Echo. Google has caught on with its competitor, Google Home. These voice command devices have already created their own niche of ecommerce, voice commerce, and it is rapidly becoming a staple...

Feb 7, 2018

Optimizing Amazon Rankings is essential to the success of your brand. One year ago, Bobsled published an article that outlined how we have analyzed the ranking algorithm and what resources brands can use to optimize their rankings. Even a year later, this article is still incredibly helpful for your brand. Today, we are...